‘How to navigate a world of media clutter’
Terry O’Reilly and Charles Acland will explore an increasingly overwhelming landscape in the inaugural Thinking Out Loud talk, March 6
What Was Media Archaeology?
Tuesday, February 11, 2:00-5:00 p.m., The Media History Research Centre invites you to join us for – What Was Media Archaeology? Media archaeology – what is it, and why do we keep hearing about it? Is it an innovative approach to media history or a re-packaging of standard historical methods? This afternoon event consists of two...
Prismatic Media, Transnational Circuits… Live!
Thursday, January 16, at 4:30 pm, The Media History Research Centre invites you to join us for – PRISMATIC MEDIA, TRANSNATIONAL CIRCUITS … LIVE! A special event in honour of the publication of Prismatic Media, Transnational Circuits: Feminism in a Globalized Present (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), by Krista Lynes. Featuring Presentations by: Krista Lynes (Communication Studies, Concordia) Charles Acland (Communication Studies, Concordia) Masha Salazkina (Mel...

Book Launch, December 5
McGill-Queen’s University Press, the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, and the Concordia Media History Research Centre cordially invite you to the launch of Inside the NDP War Room, by James S. McLean, and Harold Innis and the North, edited by William J. Buxton, Thursday, December 5th, 7:00 to 9:00pm, at the Drawn &...
Plucking Fluxes: Media Archaeology to the Metal
a public talk by MATTHEW KIRSCHENBAUM (University of Maryland) Wednesday, March 20, 6:15 pm CJ 1.114 This talk will adopt a media archaeological framework for considering floppy disks (the ubiquitous remnant of the first great home computer age) and their virtual simulacra, the disk image. The conceit of an “image” confers a complex epistemological...
The Society for Cinema and Media Studies, the oldest and most prestigious organization for film and media scholars, has awarded USEFUL CINEMA (Duke University Press, 2011) an honorable mention in its 2013 Best Edited Collection Award competition. USEFUL CINEMA was edited by Charles Acland (CURC Communication Studies) and Haidee Wasson (Cinema Studies), and the volume...
“The Transmedia Generation: Spreadable Media, Fan Activism, and Participatory Learning”
Screen Culture Research Group Presents A Public Talk by Henry Jenkins(University of Southern California) Hall Building, Room 767 JANUARY 10, 2013 18:00 Henry Jenkins is Provost’s Professor of Communication, Journalism, Cinematic Arts, and Education at the University of Southern California. He is author of Convergence Culture (2006), Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers (2006), The Wow Climax (2006), Textual Poachers (1992), and What Made Pistachio...

Book Launch
"Anime's media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan", by Marc Steinberg and "Swift Viewing: The Popular Life of Subliminal Influence", by Charles Acland.
Rita Raley, “Dataveillance and Countervailance,”
March 30, 2012 Rita Raley (University of California – Santa Barbara) Dr. Raley led us in a discussion about her forthcoming article “Dataveillance and Countervailance,” to appear in Lisa Gitelman, ed., RAW DATA (MIT 2012).
Rita Raley, “The Ways We Read and Write Now: Transient Displays and Social Practices”
This talk addressed the diverse forms of textual media environments -
beyond the desktop - focusing on mobile media and projected display. What
are the different modalities of reader/user engagement, distraction,
embodied apprehension, and liveness?
Krista Lynes, “Prismatic Visions: Experimental media and Feminism Without Guarantees”
Drawn from the introduction to her forthcoming book Experimental Media,
Transnational Circuits, this talk examined how aesthetic strategies within
the history of feminist video serve to articulate a politics of location,
and specifically, how refraction might function to articulate a feminist
coalitional politics.
Marc Steinberg, “What is Media Content? Environmentality in Japanese Media Theory and Advertising”
As part of a new research project, this traced the historical
development of Japanese debates around the "contents industry," and the
role of media theory in the transformation of marketing practices from the
1960s to the present.