A Century of Canadian Medicine |
A Medical Fairy Tale |
Another Magic Bullet |
Armand Frappier : Pasteur, mon violon, ma mère et moi |
Assurance-hospitalisation |
Au seuil de l'école |
Breast Self-Examination |
Canadian Crusade |
Canadian Diabetic Association |
Canadian Diabetic Spot : Symptoms |
Choosing a Doctor |
Combattons la tuberculose |
Community Health Is Up to You |
D.C.I.E.M. Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine |
Diabetes Symptoms |
Drugs and Medicines : Using Them Safely |
Drugs and Medicines : Where They Come From |
Epidural Anaesthesia for Vaginal Delivery in Obstetrics |
Éthique médicale |
Exploration fonctionnelle en médecine sportive : la mesure de la dépense énergétique |
Inquiry : Smoking and Lung Cancer |
L'Armure invisible |
L'Assurance-hospitalisation |
L'Assurance-maladie |
La Déplétion potassique : l'importance de la prévention |
La Leçon des mongoliens |
Laboratory Dogs |
Le Cancer du tube digestif : problème du diagnostic précoce |
Le Médecin dit sa façon de penser |
Living with Diabetes |
Making Life Adjustments |
Médecine d'aujourd'hui |
New Limbs - New Lives |
Newfoundland |
Ologies and Isms |
Quacks and Nostrums |
Raphide Emission in Dieffenbachia |
RX for Maryanne |
Search Without End |
Should You Drink? |
The Seal of Prevention |
The Third Eye |
This Town Is Ours |
Uterine Cancer : The Problem of Early Diagnosis |
La Vaccination par le BCG |
You Be the Doctor |
Your Back and Common Sense |
[Medical Film, Dr. Edward Archibald, McGill University] |