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"Ex" Marks the Spot
A Cut Above
A Day at the Calgary Zoo
Acadian Spring Song
Adele and the Ponies of Ardmore
All About Emily
Animal Stories
Basic Horse Training
Beaver Dam
Beekeeping : Preparation and Hiving
Biological Control
Bird Hazards to Aircraft
Birds that Eat Seeds
Bluebloods from Canada
Bronco Busters
Calgary Stampede 1964
Canada's National Parks
Canadian National Pictorial
Canine Crimebusters
CBC Fillers
Courses de pigeons
Cowboy's Holiday
Culling Hens
Les Ennemis de la pomme de terre
Export Steers
Farm at Flare Square
Five Courses for Horses
Grey Owl's Little Brother
Guernseys in Ontario Pastures
Hannetons et vers blancs
Heritage for Tomorrow
In Canadian Fjords
Insect Pests of Stored Food
Integrated Control of Orchard Insects
Jasper Holiday
Jockey Training
Junior Nations Cup
L'Élevage du mouton
L'Élevage du vison : conseils pratiques
L'Île aux Basques
L'ordre temporel
La locomotion
La Préparation des pondeuses de demain
La Qualité du bacon
La Science de la production laitière
Laboratory Dogs
Le Jardin zoologique de Québec
Le Miel nectar
Les régions
Livestock and Dairying
Livestock at the CNE
Lutte à la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette
Making Mounties
Mesures de longeur
The Milky Way
Mortgage Lifters
The Musical Ride
The National
Newfoundland Scene : A Tale of Outport Adventure
Northern Dancer
Ontario Wool
Le Percheron
Pisciculture, les truites
Pot-pourri d'animaux
Producing a Champion
Progress on Parade
Protection to Animals
Queen's Plate : A Race of Races
Rearing Queen Honey Bees
Royal Winter Fair
Shuswap Indians of British Columbia
Some Are Sunfishers
Something to Crow About
Spotlight No. 3
Stampede Chuckwagon
Stampede Fever
Stampede in Scarlett
Stampede Pot Pourri
Stampede Royale
Tales of the Riverbank : Episode No. 4
That Perlove Affair
The Ploughing Match 1922
The Queen's Plate : Canadian Tradition
The Silver Fox Industry of Canada
Un petit canard pas comme les autres
Zazi et Zazou
[Expositions de chevaux]
[La Vache canadienne]
[Medical Film, Dr. Edward Archibald, McGill University]