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Associated Screen News

"Petroleum" Alberta's Newest Industry
100,000 chevaux sous le Saint-Laurent
The 1950 Stanley Cup
A Nation in Touch
A New Yorker's Canadian Week End
A Party on the Roof of the World
A River of Earnings
A.S.N. Picture
Acadian Spring Song
Achievement - A Story of the Manufacture of Stainless and Specialty Alloy Steels
Achievement: the Story of a Store
Across Canada
Across Canada by CPR
An Adventure in Automation
Ahoy Subway Cars
Alaska and the Yukon
Ale and Artie
All About Emily
All Clear
All for Canada : A Story of TCA in the War
All Joking Astride
Along Pioneer Trails
American Success in Canadian Farming
An Empire Link
Angles on Angling
Apple Land
Arctic Journey : A Photographic Record of His Excellency The Governor General’s Visit to the Canadian Arctic
Arrêtez! C'est la loi
Arts of the New Canadians
As Others See Us
Ashwin Hunt
Asphalt Production
Atlas Tool Steels
Ayers High Grade Felts
Back in '14
Back in '22
Back in '23
Baking Tea Biscuits
Ballet of the Mermaids
Banff : The Capital of the Alpine Playground of the Canadian Rockies
Banff and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies
Banff's Golf Challenge
Beef Steaks
Behind the Label
Better Right than Wrong
Better Times Through Tea Times
Beyond the Sunset
Beyond the Sunset
Bill's in Business Now
Bluebloods from Canada
Borderline Cases
Breezing Along
Bridge Chat
The Bright Path
British Success in Canadian Farming
Bulwarks of Freedom
By the Still Waters
Byways of New France
Cabin Camps in Skyland
Call of the Kawarthas
Call to a Nation
Le Canada français est resté fidèle
Canada from East to West and Then Glimpses of Various Phases of Life
Canada's Capital on Skis
Canada's Cradle of Curling
Canada's Diamond Jubilee
Canada's East Coast Playground
Canada's Last West
Canada's Scots at Banff
Canada's Tackle Busters
Canada, The New Homeland
Canadair Family Day
Canadian Firsts
Canadian Fisheries
Canadian Fruit
Canadian Gold
Canadian Headlines of 1946
Canadian Headlines of 1947
Canadian Headlines of 1948
Canadian Headlines of 1949
Canadian Headlines of 1950
Canadian Headlines of 1951
Canadian Headlines of 1952
Canadian Highlanders Hold Mountain Meet
Canadian Mountain Summer
Canadian Pacific in the Air [Post-World War II Version]
Canadian Pacific in the Air [Wartime Versions]
Canadian Pattern
Canadian Playground Lake Louise : The Crown Jewel of the Canadian Rockies - A Saphire Set In Snowpeaks
Canadian Woolens for Warmth and Beauty
Cancer Is a Word
Canine Crimebusters
Canning a River
Careers in Canadian Banking
Careers in Canadian Life Insurance Underwriting
Careers in Canadian Medicine
Carnival on Skates
Cellophane : Symbol of Progress
Cement Storage and Construction
Champions of Endurance
Championship Wrestling
Les Chercheurs d'or
China's Forbidden City
Circus on Ice
City of Towers
Clan Donald : A British Farm Colony
Clean Up Week in Montreal
Climbing into Canada's Past
Le Coeur du réseau
Cold Facts
Colour Does It
Colour in the West
Combattons la tuberculose
Combine Calvacade
Cowboy's Holiday
Cruising the Mediterranean
Cruising to South Africa
Crystal Ballet
David Thompson the Pathfinder
De l'eau à la bouche
Design for Swimming
Did You Know That?
Did You Know That? Eighth Edition
Did You Know That? Fifth Edition
Did You Know That? Fourth Edition
Did You Know That? Second Edition
Did You Know That? Sixth Edition
Did You Know That? Third Edition
Distant Cousins
Dogs at Work
Doing More for Less
Doorstep of Opportunity
Down by the Sea
Eastward Ho
Echoes of War and Peace
Efficient Pulpwood Handling
Electricity on the Farm
Empress of Canada
En avant Lafontaine
En taquinant la truite
Enchanted Lake Louise and Trails of Beauty
English Training for Canadian Farming
Enjoy It -- Then Make Sure It's Out
Enough and for All
Escape to the North
Fabricating Aluminium at Holmestrand
Fair and Cold
Family Album
Far Speaking
Farm Training in Canada for Old Country Boys
Feasting with Salads
Federated Charity Camp
Fencer's Art
Financial Federation Jewish Philanthropies
Fire Wise
Fish and Medicine Men
Food for Millions
Food for Thought
Food of the Gods : The Romance of the Cocoa Bean
For Your Information
Forging the Links of Empire
Forward Canada!
Four Days Open Sea
Frenchy Bélanger Versus Ernie Jarvis
From British Home to Canadian Farm
From Coast to Coast
From Peasant to Farmer
From Sea to Sea
From Trail to Tire Tracks
The Fruitful Earth
G Hygiene
Gare au feu
Gasoline for Everybody
Gateway to the World
Gatineau Bass
Getting Canada's Goat
Giving Canada the Onceover
Golden Days at Pirate Ports
Golf on the Gold Trail
Golfing Through Canada
Grandpa's Party
Great Also in Peace
The Great Divide
The Great Essential
Grey Owl's Little Brother
Grey Owl's Strange Guests
Guns for Victory
Habitant Festival
Half the World
The Hands Are Sure
Happy Valley
Happy Voyage
