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Modern Talking Picture Service

1960 Harnsworth : Picton, Canada
A Champion Is Born
A Chance... In Sight
A Crystal from the Sun
An Adventure into Chocolateland : A Harvest of Energy
Another Choice
Bass in the Hand
Beer at Its Best
Bonanza at Great Bear
Bright Century
Canada's Royal
Carribbean Tour
Carstairs, Tell the People
Cast of Three
Charge from Down Under
Chiropractic Story
Each Year They Come
Eight Day Year
Everybody's Wedeln
Fight for Fame
Figure Skating
Golf on the Gold Trail
Hello Toronto
How Do You Stand
How to Score More Goals
Jamaica Flavour
Kids and Cookies
Laboratory Dogs
Light Is for People
Men of Account
New Dimensions
New Mill... New Richmond
Now Look Here, Harry!
The Office of Prime Minister
Par Breakers
Par Excellence
Photo Finish
Physician and Surgeon D.O.
A Portrait of Canadian Wines
Power in Perpetuity
Pressure Golf
Repeat Performance
Roads to Prosperity
RX for Maryanne
Seal Hunt
Ski Moderne
Spinning for Speckles
St. George's and the Dragons
St. John Ambulance in Canada
Stand by for Life
Swinging with the Stars
The Art of Gift Wrapping
The Entertainers
The Gold Cup Comes Home
The Magic Mirror
The Miracle of Mind and Missile
The New Colleges
The Order of Good Cheer
The Potato and Mrs. Kelly
The Story of Meat in Canada
The Story of the 44th Canadian Open Golf Championship
The Story of Wine in Canada
The Sun Don't Shine on the Damwe Dawg's Back All the Time
The Supertest Ladies Open Golf Championship 1967
The Want of a Suitable Playhouse
The Winner's Touch
Thermal Snow Melters
Thinking of You
Through the Wine Glass
Tough New Breed
Twenty-Five Under Par
War Clubs of Mississauga
Why Nova Scotia
You Be the Doctor
[Care of Teeth by Children]
[Chid's First Dental Visit]
[Dental Profession]
[Dentistry as a Career]
[Dentistry Through the Ages]
[Life of a Typical Dentist]