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Klee Wyck
A Place for Everything
A Year of Remembering : Manitoba 100
Adventure High Arctic
Alaska : Cruise Style!
Angles on Angling
The Annanacks
Arctic Goose Hunt
Arctic Journey : A Photographic Record of His Excellency The Governor General’s Visit to the Canadian Arctic
Arkutik : A Baffin Adventure
Back to Baffin
Baie d'Hudson
Banff : The Capital of the Alpine Playground of the Canadian Rockies
Bella Coola Indians of British Columbia
Blackfoot Indians of Alberta
Box of Treasures
Calgary Stampede 1964
Calgary Stampede : Banff Indian Days
Canada Moves North
Canadian Mountain Summer
Castors du Québec
Cheenama the Trailmaker : An Indian Idyll of Old Ontario
City of Rivers
Coast Salish Indians of British Columbia
Colour in the West
Corral and Cree Indians
A Cowboy's Convictions
Cowboy's Holiday
Craftsmen of Canada
Death of a Delta
Dogrib Treaty
Eagles on the River
The Face of Saskatchewan
Fires of Spring
Fish and Medicine Men
Fishing at the Stone Weir
Footholds : Research for South America's Rural Poor
Glooscap Country
Grey Owl's Strange Guests
Heap Busy Indians
I Was Born Here
Ikpuck the Igloo Dweller
In the Shadow of the Pole
Indian Days
Indian Days in the Canadian Rockies
Indian Fishing Methods Fraser River
Indiens de la Mauricie
Inniun nipatakanu
Introduction to Labrador
Inupiatun : In the Manner of The Eskimo
It Starts with a Whisper
Jenny's Arctic Diary
Ka Ke Ki Ku
Kawartha Muskys
Kinai Chieftanship
Kitkatla : A Community Involvement in Education
Kootenay Indians of British Columbia
Kueste tshe skamit : l'autre monde ou le territoire des âmes
Kumak, the Sleepy Hunter
L'Anse Tabatière
La Manouan
La Peau d'orignal
La Petite industrie chez les Indiens
Land Is Our Culture
Last Chance for Discovery
Le Canot d'écorce
Legend of the Raven
Les Indiens du Haut Saint-Maurice
The Loon's Necklace
Maintain the Right
Making a Totem Pole
Man's Adaptability to Cold (Polar People)
Manitoba Trails
McLain of Hudson's Bay : The Fletcher Affair
Mistashipu : la grande rivière
Mushuau innu
Nass River Indians
Native Religious Traditions
Ninan nitassinan
Ninstints : Shadow Keepers of the Past
Nootka Indians of British Columbia
North to Hudson Bay
North West Frontier
North with the Bishop of the Arctic
Northern Dialogue
Northwest Rebellion : 1885
Northwest Territories
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 1
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 2
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 3
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 4
Nunatsiaq : The Good Land
Paquashipu : la rivière sèche
Parki-Parka : un mois à la baie d'Hudson
People of the Far North
People of This Land
Peoples of Canada [revised version]
Petroglyphs : Images in Stone
Potlatch : Strict Law Bids Us Dance
Pow Wowing with the Kootenays
The Romance of Huronia
Saving the Sagas
Seal Hunt
The Seaport of the Prairies
Second Look at Canada
Serpent River Paddlers
The Shuswap Indians of British Columbia
Shuswap Indians of British Columbia
Spirit of Stone
Stoney Indians of Alberta
Summer of the Loucheux : A Portrait of a Northern Indian Family
The Arctic Patrol
The Beaver Makes a Comeback
The Carrier Indians of British Columbia
The Colours of Pride
The Igloo Dwellers
The Kwakiutl of British Columbia
The Land is the Culture : The Case for the B.C. Indian Land Claims
The Lure of the Labrador
The Netsilik Eskimo Today
The Newcomers : The Prologue
The Quality of a Nation
The Radiant Rockies
The Sacred Circle
The Sacred Circle - Recovery
The Trout Lake Cree
The Wealth of the Nation
Through the Northwest Passage
Tight Lines
To Know the Hurons
Tony Hunt, Kwakiutl Artist
Totem Land
Toutes isles
Trail of 1898
The Triangle Tour
Tsimshian Indians of Skeena River British Columbia
Village in the Dust
[C.S.S. Baffin '75]
[Mackenzie Park]
[Skis : sauts et compétitions]