Klee Wyck |
A Place for Everything |
A Year of Remembering : Manitoba 100 |
Adventure High Arctic |
Alaska |
Alaska : Cruise Style! |
Angles on Angling |
The Annanacks |
Arctic Goose Hunt |
Arctic Journey : A Photographic Record of His Excellency The Governor General’s Visit to the Canadian Arctic |
Arkutik : A Baffin Adventure |
Attiuk |
Back to Baffin |
Baie d'Hudson |
Banff : The Capital of the Alpine Playground of the Canadian Rockies |
Bella Coola Indians of British Columbia |
Blackfoot Indians of Alberta |
Box of Treasures |
Brujo |
Calgary Stampede 1964 |
Calgary Stampede : Banff Indian Days |
Canada Moves North |
Canadian Mountain Summer |
Castors du Québec |
Cheenama the Trailmaker : An Indian Idyll of Old Ontario |
City of Rivers |
Coast Salish Indians of British Columbia |
Colour in the West |
Corral and Cree Indians |
A Cowboy's Convictions |
Cowboy's Holiday |
Craftsmen of Canada |
Death of a Delta |
Dogrib Treaty |
Eagles on the River |
The Face of Saskatchewan |
Fires of Spring |
Fish and Medicine Men |
Fishing at the Stone Weir |
Footholds : Research for South America's Rural Poor |
Glooscap Country |
Grey Owl's Strange Guests |
Heap Busy Indians |
Hiawatha |
I Was Born Here |
Ikpuck the Igloo Dweller |
In the Shadow of the Pole |
Indian Days |
Indian Days in the Canadian Rockies |
Indian Fishing Methods Fraser River |
Indiens de la Mauricie |
Inniun nipatakanu |
Introduction to Labrador |
Inupiatun : In the Manner of The Eskimo |
It Starts with a Whisper |
Jenny's Arctic Diary |
Ka Ke Ki Ku |
Kalvak |
Kawartha Muskys |
Kinai Chieftanship |
Kitkatla : A Community Involvement in Education |
Kootenay Indians of British Columbia |
Kueste tshe skamit : l'autre monde ou le territoire des âmes |
Kumak, the Sleepy Hunter |
L'Anse Tabatière |
La Manouan |
La Peau d'orignal |
La Petite industrie chez les Indiens |
Land Is Our Culture |
Last Chance for Discovery |
Le Canot d'écorce |
Legend of the Raven |
Les Indiens du Haut Saint-Maurice |
The Loon's Necklace |
Maintain the Right |
Making a Totem Pole |
Man's Adaptability to Cold (Polar People) |
Manitoba Trails |
McLain of Hudson's Bay : The Fletcher Affair |
Mistashipu : la grande rivière |
Mushuau innu |
Nass River Indians |
Native Religious Traditions |
Ninan nitassinan |
Ninstints : Shadow Keepers of the Past |
Nootka Indians of British Columbia |
North to Hudson Bay |
North West Frontier |
North with the Bishop of the Arctic |
Northern Dialogue |
Northwest Rebellion : 1885 |
Northwest Territories |
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 1 |
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 2 |
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 3 |
Ntesi nana shepen : on disait que c'était notre terre, partie 4 |
Nunatsiaq : The Good Land |
Paquashipu : la rivière sèche |
Parki-Parka : un mois à la baie d'Hudson |
Pathfinder |
People of the Far North |
People of This Land |
Peoples of Canada [revised version] |
Petroglyphs : Images in Stone |
Potlatch : Strict Law Bids Us Dance |
Pow Wowing with the Kootenays |
Pukuanipanan |
Riel |
The Romance of Huronia |
Saving the Sagas |
Sea-Spell |
Seal Hunt |
The Seaport of the Prairies |
Second Look at Canada |
Serpent River Paddlers |
The Shuswap Indians of British Columbia |
Shuswap Indians of British Columbia |
Spirit of Stone |
Stoney Indians of Alberta |
Summer of the Loucheux : A Portrait of a Northern Indian Family |
The Arctic Patrol |
The Beaver Makes a Comeback |
The Carrier Indians of British Columbia |
The Colours of Pride |
The Igloo Dwellers |
The Kwakiutl of British Columbia |
The Land is the Culture : The Case for the B.C. Indian Land Claims |
The Lure of the Labrador |
The Netsilik Eskimo Today |
The Newcomers : The Prologue |
The Quality of a Nation |
The Radiant Rockies |
The Sacred Circle |
The Sacred Circle - Recovery |
The Trout Lake Cree |
The Wealth of the Nation |
Through the Northwest Passage |
Tight Lines |
To Know the Hurons |
Tony Hunt, Kwakiutl Artist |
Totem Land |
Toutes isles |
Trail of 1898 |
The Triangle Tour |
Tsimshian Indians of Skeena River British Columbia |
Village in the Dust |
[C.S.S. Baffin '75] |
[Mackenzie Park] |
[Skis : sauts et compétitions] |