4-H Clubs of Alberta |
A Cut Above |
A Good Place to Live |
A Pesticide Primer |
A Question of Balance |
A Sense of Humus |
Acadian Spring Song |
Adele and the Ponies of Ardmore |
Agriculture Canada |
Alberta's Future Farmers |
Alexis Tremblay : Habitant |
Along Pioneer Trails |
American Success in Canadian Farming |
An Apple a Day |
Animal Stories |
Apple Land |
Apple Tree Pruning |
Artificial Breeding of Cattle in Ontario |
Au royaume du Saguenay |
Autumn in Alberta |
Beans of Bounty |
Beef Steaks |
Beekeeping : Preparation and Hiving |
Behind the Label |
Better Times Through Tea Times |
La Betterave à sucre |
Bill's in Business Now |
Biological Control |
Biological Control of Insect Pests Series No. 1 - Parasites of the European Corn Borer |
Bluebloods from Canada |
Brasil |
Breaking the Solonetzic Barrier |
British Success in Canadian Farming |
Building a Modern Grain Elevator |
By Their Own Strength |
Calco |
Canada Produced |
Canada's New Farmland |
Canada's Royal |
Canadian Firsts |
Canadian Fruit |
Canadian Grain |
Canadian Portrait |
Canadian Wheat |
Canadian Wheat Board |
Canadian Wheat Story |
Canaries to Clydesdales |
Cayuga Victoria Day |
Chaînes sans fin |
Chemical Brush Control |
Children First |
La Chimie et la pomme de terre |
Clan Donald : A British Farm Colony |
Coffeeland to Canada |
Cold Facts |
Combine Calvacade |
Committee Meeting |
Comté de Montmorency |
Conquérants pacifiques |
Conquête constructive |
Les Couches chaudes |
A Cowboy's Convictions |
The Cream Industry |
Crops Not Weeds |
Culling Hens |
La Culture maraîchère en évolution |
CUSO in Agriculture |
Dangerous Journey |
Day at Head Office |
Défrichement motorisé |
Disappearing Land |
Doing More for Less |
Eight Day Year |
Electricity on the Farm |
Electrified Farming |
Elephant Country |
En pays neuf : un documentaire sur l'Abitibi |
English Training for Canadian Farming |
Les Ennemis de la pomme de terre |
Enough and for All |
Episode in Valleydale |
Equality for Agriculture |
Equine Breeding : Methods and Technique |
Export Steers |
The Face of Saskatchewan |
Farm at Flare Square |
Farm Drainage |
Farm Training in Canada for Old Country Boys |
Farmers Factory Day |
Fires of Spring |
Footholds - Research for South American's Rural Poor |
Footholds : Research for South America's Rural Poor |
Four Seasons |
French Canadians |
French-Canadian Children |
From British Home to Canadian Farm |
From Coast to Coast |
From Good Earth to Good Table |
From Peasant to Farmer |
Frozen Semen in Canada |
The Fruitful Earth |
Gone with the Wind Too |
Grain Train |
Grass in June and January |
Greater Food Production |
Green Acres |
Hannetons et vers blancs |
Happy Valley |
Hardy Champion |
Harrold |
Health of the Land |
Heap Busy Indians |
Heritage for Tomorrow |
The History of a Grain of Wheat |
Hommage à notre paysannerie |
Horn of Plenty |
Il faut du bon lait |
In Canadian Fjords |
Industrial Uses of Grain |
Integrated Control of Orchard Insects |
Integrated Pest Management : How It Works |
Le Jardin botanique de Montréal |
A Journey to Contentment |
Kenya Beekeeping with the Top Bar Hive |
Kimberley in the Kootenays |
The Kinsmen |
Kootenay East |
Kootenay West |
L'Élevage du mouton |
L'Ennemi dans la pommeraie |
L'Île-aux-Grues, terre de sérénité |
La Culture de la betterave à sucre |
La Ferme |
La Préparation des pondeuses de demain |
La Qualité du bacon |
La Rivière du Gouffre |
La Science de la production laitière |
La Tourbe |
La Vache cette inconnue (contrôle laitier postal) |
Land from the Sea |
Land of Sky Blue Waters |
Le Chant du Saguenay |
Le Contrôle laitier |
Le Credo du paysan |
Le Labour Richard |
Le Lin du Canada, deuxième partie : utilisation du lin |
Le Miel nectar |
Le Nouveau Québec agricole |
Le Porc à bacon |
Le Vêlage et ses problèmes |
Les Cantons de l'Est : Jardin de la province de Québec |
Les Principes de la traite rationnelle |
Let's Look at New Brunswick |
Lime for the Land's Sake |
Le Lin du Canada, première partie : la culture du lin |
Lincoln County : A Century of Harvest |
Liquid Assets |
Livestock and Dairying |
Livestock at the CNE |
The Long Furrow |
Long Haul |
Man Made Rain |
Man-Made Rain |
Matching Furrows |
Meat on the Move |
The Milky Way |
More Food for More Millions |
More Power to the Farmer |
Mortgage Lifters |
Mr. Purdy - 1948 |
Mr. Purdy - 1950 |
New Horizons |
New Nova Scotia |
New Wealth from the Soil |
North American Tractor Pull |
Oh Gully Where Is Our Soil |
Old MacDonald Had a Farm |
On to Ottawa : The Story of the Western Farm Delegation in 1959 |
Ontario Wool |
Orchard Pests : Their Identification and Control |
Ottawa : Reflection of a Nation |
Our Daily Bread |
Pacific Parade |
Pasturelands |
People with a Purpose |
Le Percheron |
Power of Pennies |
Prince Edward : The Smallest County in Ontario |
Proportioning Concrete Mixtures. Mixing and Placing Concrete |
Push Back the Edge |
Quarantined |
Raise More - For Less |
Road of the Caribou |
Robin Front End Loader |
Robin Grain Augur |
Robin Tillage Equipment : The Robin Rod Weeder |
A Romance of Two Hemispheres |
Royal Winter Fair |
Rye on the Rocks |
S.B. Williams Retirement |