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4-H Clubs of Alberta
A Cut Above
A Good Place to Live
A Pesticide Primer
A Question of Balance
A Sense of Humus
Acadian Spring Song
Adele and the Ponies of Ardmore
Agriculture Canada
Alberta's Future Farmers
Alexis Tremblay : Habitant
Along Pioneer Trails
American Success in Canadian Farming
An Apple a Day
Animal Stories
Apple Land
Apple Tree Pruning
Artificial Breeding of Cattle in Ontario
Au royaume du Saguenay
Autumn in Alberta
Beans of Bounty
Beef Steaks
Beekeeping : Preparation and Hiving
Behind the Label
Better Times Through Tea Times
La Betterave à sucre
Bill's in Business Now
Biological Control
Biological Control of Insect Pests Series No. 1 - Parasites of the European Corn Borer
Bluebloods from Canada
Breaking the Solonetzic Barrier
British Success in Canadian Farming
Building a Modern Grain Elevator
By Their Own Strength
Canada Produced
Canada's New Farmland
Canada's Royal
Canadian Firsts
Canadian Fruit
Canadian Grain
Canadian Portrait
Canadian Wheat
Canadian Wheat Board
Canadian Wheat Story
Canaries to Clydesdales
Cayuga Victoria Day
Chaînes sans fin
Chemical Brush Control
Children First
La Chimie et la pomme de terre
Clan Donald : A British Farm Colony
Coffeeland to Canada
Cold Facts
Combine Calvacade
Committee Meeting
Comté de Montmorency
Conquérants pacifiques
Conquête constructive
Les Couches chaudes
A Cowboy's Convictions
The Cream Industry
Crops Not Weeds
Culling Hens
La Culture maraîchère en évolution
CUSO in Agriculture
Dangerous Journey
Day at Head Office
Défrichement motorisé
Disappearing Land
Doing More for Less
Eight Day Year
Electricity on the Farm
Electrified Farming
Elephant Country
En pays neuf : un documentaire sur l'Abitibi
English Training for Canadian Farming
Les Ennemis de la pomme de terre
Enough and for All
Episode in Valleydale
Equality for Agriculture
Equine Breeding : Methods and Technique
Export Steers
The Face of Saskatchewan
Farm at Flare Square
Farm Drainage
Farm Training in Canada for Old Country Boys
Farmers Factory Day
Fires of Spring
Footholds - Research for South American's Rural Poor
Footholds : Research for South America's Rural Poor
Four Seasons
French Canadians
French-Canadian Children
From British Home to Canadian Farm
From Coast to Coast
From Good Earth to Good Table
From Peasant to Farmer
Frozen Semen in Canada
The Fruitful Earth
Gone with the Wind Too
Grain Train
Grass in June and January
Greater Food Production
Green Acres
Hannetons et vers blancs
Happy Valley
Hardy Champion
Health of the Land
Heap Busy Indians
Heritage for Tomorrow
The History of a Grain of Wheat
Hommage à notre paysannerie
Horn of Plenty
Il faut du bon lait
In Canadian Fjords
Industrial Uses of Grain
Integrated Control of Orchard Insects
Integrated Pest Management : How It Works
Le Jardin botanique de Montréal
A Journey to Contentment
Kenya Beekeeping with the Top Bar Hive
Kimberley in the Kootenays
The Kinsmen
Kootenay East
Kootenay West
L'Élevage du mouton
L'Ennemi dans la pommeraie
L'Île-aux-Grues, terre de sérénité
La Culture de la betterave à sucre
La Ferme
La Préparation des pondeuses de demain
La Qualité du bacon
La Rivière du Gouffre
La Science de la production laitière
La Tourbe
La Vache cette inconnue (contrôle laitier postal)
Land from the Sea
Land of Sky Blue Waters
Le Chant du Saguenay
Le Contrôle laitier
Le Credo du paysan
Le Labour Richard
Le Lin du Canada, deuxième partie : utilisation du lin
Le Miel nectar
Le Nouveau Québec agricole
Le Porc à bacon
Le Vêlage et ses problèmes
Les Cantons de l'Est : Jardin de la province de Québec
Les Principes de la traite rationnelle
Let's Look at New Brunswick
Lime for the Land's Sake
Le Lin du Canada, première partie : la culture du lin
Lincoln County : A Century of Harvest
Liquid Assets
Livestock and Dairying
Livestock at the CNE
The Long Furrow
Long Haul
Man Made Rain
Man-Made Rain
Matching Furrows
Meat on the Move
The Milky Way
More Food for More Millions
More Power to the Farmer
Mortgage Lifters
Mr. Purdy - 1948
Mr. Purdy - 1950
New Horizons
New Nova Scotia
New Wealth from the Soil
North American Tractor Pull
Oh Gully Where Is Our Soil
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
On to Ottawa : The Story of the Western Farm Delegation in 1959
Ontario Wool
Orchard Pests : Their Identification and Control
Ottawa : Reflection of a Nation
Our Daily Bread
Pacific Parade
People with a Purpose
Le Percheron
Power of Pennies
Prince Edward : The Smallest County in Ontario
Proportioning Concrete Mixtures. Mixing and Placing Concrete
Push Back the Edge
Raise More - For Less
Road of the Caribou
Robin Front End Loader
Robin Grain Augur
Robin Tillage Equipment : The Robin Rod Weeder
A Romance of Two Hemispheres
Royal Winter Fair
Rye on the Rocks
S.B. Williams Retirement
