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Canadian Pacific Railway

A Wedding Trip from Montreal Through Canada to Hong Kong
Across Canada
Across Canada by CPR
Alaska and the Yukon
Avalanche : A Tribute to the Trackmen of CP Rail
Banff's Golf Challenge
Bristol Britannia
British Success in Canadian Farming
Canada from East to West and Then Glimpses of Various Phases of Life
Canada's Capital on Skis
Canada's Diamond Jubilee
Canada's East Coast Playground
Canada's Last West
Canada's Tackle Busters
Canada, The New Homeland
Canadian Mountain Summer
Canadian Pattern
Challenge of the 80s
Clan Donald : A British Farm Colony
Colour in the West
CP Hotels
Crow Rate 1982
Cruising the Inland Seas
Dead on the Level
Delivering the Goods
Do It All Service
Down by the Sea
Fish and Medicine Men
From British Home to Canadian Farm
From Coast to Coast
From Sea to Sea
Grain Train
Happy Voyage
Heap Busy Indians
High Country Ski Thrills in the Canadian Rockies
High Powder
Hiking on Top of the World
Holiday to a Holiday
Jackpine Journey
Klondike Holiday
Lake of the Woods
Land of the Ski-Hawk
Locomotive 8000
Making New Canadians
New Homes Within the Empire
North Scope
Operation Lifesaver : Gambling a Lifetime
Pidgin Land
Plaisirs de neige au vieux Québec
Procor's Coal Car Unit Train
Procor's Rock Limestone Unit Train
Riding High : With the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies
Riding High in the Canadian Rockies
Rogers Pass Progress Report
Rome : VIP Flight
Safety Begins Here
Saving the Sagas
SD-40 Unit Wheelslip Tests
Ski Trails of New France
Ski-Time in the Rockies
Skiing in the Laurentians
Skyline Skiing
Snow Hills of Quebec
Snowtime Holiday
Summer Idyll
Summer in Old Quebec
Sunshine Skiing
The Beautiful Nipigon
The Canadian
The Canadian Pacific Railway : A Picture Story
The Classic Nipigon
The Fishing Parson
The Land of Ancestral Gods
The Living City
The Miracle of a Locomotive
The Outside Run
The Radiant Rockies
The Shining Mountains
The Story of a Duchess
This Was Expo 67
Through Canada's Rockies
Tobique Secrets : Movie Notes from the Diary of a Guide in the Nactau Lake Country of Northern New Brunswick
Top of the World
Trans-Atlantic Empress
We Are Young
West Coast Playground
Winter Playground
[Ten Years in Manitoba]