Directors of Photography:
- English
- French
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec: 16mm.
"An account of the discovery of the famous Leduc Field which launched the oil development that has placed Canada among the major oil producing countries and the laying of the first pipeline to carry the oil to market."
"Film about the discovery of oil below the wheatfields of Alberta and the effect of this discovery on an adjacent town. This film tells the story of the discovery of the famous Leduc field which launched the oil development that has placed Canada among the major oil producing countries, and the laying of the first pipeline to carry the new oil to market. An animation sequence shows drilling techniques."
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm.
"Film about the discovery of oil in Alberta and the effect of this discovery on an adjacent town. An animation sequence shows drilling techniques."
"Document qui raconte la découverte d'une nappe d'huile à Leduc en Alberta le 13 février 1947. Le film décrit la création et la construction d'une ville entièrement nouvelle pour loger les travailleurs et leurs familles et montre l'installation du premier pipeline. Fermiers et ouvriers du pétrole travaillent en harmonie et l'industrie pétrolifère n'affecte pas la routine des fermes."
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta: 16mm.
"The story of the Leduc oilfields. As the Alberta farmer cut his wheat, he was unaware that a mile beneath his fields lay another and richer harvest for the taking. But when oil wells were drilled in the Leduc district, the wealth was dramatically discovered."
From the Catalogue of 16mm Educational Motion Pictures. Published by the Educational Media Division, Department of Extension, University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1967.
"Business in Motion: Films of Current Interest," Canadian Business 23 (April 1950): 102.
"The film shows how discovery of oil at Leduc, Alberta, three years ago has affected this rural community. Shots depicting oil being moved out to market and oilmen probing for new wells are contrasted with views of farmers continuing their operations and harvesting wheat within sight of derricks. Sequences show that discoveries have wrought changes - new prosperity in the area, increased revenues for Alberta, a saving of U.S. dollars."
National Film Board of Canada, Films by Other Producers Distributed in Canada by the National Film Board of Canada/Films de divers producteurs distribués au Canada par l’Office national du film du Canada (Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, c.1968), 7.
"Oil is discovered in Alberta. We see how it affects an adjacent town, and by an animation sequence, are introduced to drilling techniques."
Imperial Oil, Selection of 16mm Films Available Without Charge to Schools, Church Groups, Service Clubs and Similar Organizations (n.d.: Imperial Oil).
"From a mile below the rich wheat fields of Alberta, men are harvesting another vital crop - oil. The film, 'A Mile Below the Wheat', tells the story of the discovery of the now-famous Leduc oil field; the field which launched the greatest oil development in Canada's history and has placed our nation among the first seven oil producers of the world.
The film captures the color and excitement of an oil well blowing in - the vivid, searing flame and a towering column of black smoke when contaminated oil is burned off as the well 'clears its throat' before settling down to steady production. Because of more efficient drilling methods and field conservation, new wells no longer begin operation in such a dramatic fashion.
The movie shows the development of the Leduc field as well after well is drilled; of Leduc town, where new prosperity is evident; and the building of a completely new town to house oil field workers and their families. It shows the building of the first pipe line to carry the new oil to market.
'A Mile Below the Wheat' is the story of a great success after 30 years of costly, heart-breaking search - a success which has benefited Canadians everywhere."
Imperial Oil, Un choix de films 16mm prêtés, à titre grâcieux, aux maisons d'enseignement, clubs sociaux et autres groupements (n.d.: Imperial Oil).
"À un mille sous les riches champs de blé de l'Alberta, l'homme puise une nouvelle récolte - le pétrole. 'Un mille sous les blés' raconte la découverte du célèbre champ pétrolifère de Leduc. On sait que cette découverte a marqué le début du plus grand développement pétrolier de l'histoire du Canada, qu'elle a placé parmi les sept premiers producteurs de pétrole au monde.
Ce film capte à la fois la couleur et l'exaltation que crée le jaillissement d'un puits - cette flamme vive, rugissante, puis cette ruée de fumée âcre et noire alors que doivent d'abord se consumer les impuretés : le puits 'nettoie sa gorge' avant de se stabiliser en en flot continu. Grâce à des procédés de forage et de conservation plus efficaces, les nouveaux puits n'entrent plus en exploitation de façon aussi dramatique qu'autrefois.
On y voit se préciser le contour du champ de Leduc au fur et à mesure que se forent de nouveaux puits ; ensuite, le village de Leduc et la prospérité toute nouvelle de cette ville-champignon groupant les travailleurs du pétrole et leurs familles. On assiste aussi à la pose du premier pipe-line pour le transport du pétrole jusqu'aux lieux mêmes de la consommation.
'Un mille sous les blés', c'est l'histoire d'une grande réussite après 30 années de recherches aussi coûteuses que décevantes - une réussite dont profite chaque Canadien."
Service de ciné-photographie de la province de Québec, Films 16mm: édition 1956-57 (Quebec City: Service de ciné-photographie, 1956), 382.
"C'est l'histoire de la découverte d'un gisement pétrolifère tout près de Leduc, petite ville située à environ 20 milles d'Edmonton en Alberta."