- English
- Black and White
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, VHS, digibeta.
"A McGraw-Hill Text-Film correlated to the book YOUR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIVING by Paul H. Landis, State College of Washington. The film contrasts the relationships of two couples - Peg and Joe have dated for three months and have become engaged. Liz and Andy have been going steady for a year and a half and plan to wait until both have finished school to marry, unlike Peg and Joe who wish to marry almost immediately. Flashbacks show the progress of both relationships. Peg's parents arrive to dissuade her from marriage plans. Peg refuses and elopes with Joe. The narrator questions the values of both couples and which love will last."
Internet Archive: Prelinger Archives.
"Two couples are getting married - one couple rush to tie the knot, while the other's courtship lasts a lot longer. The two relationships are compared."