Directors of Photography:
- French
- English
- Colour
- Sound
York University, Toronto, Ontario: 16mm.
"Noémi a 95 ans. Elle est veuve depuis près de la moitié de sa vie. Pauline a 55 ans. Son mari l'a quittée après 35 ans de mariage. Le film relate leur histoire, mais aussi celle de toutes les femmes qui, après avoir consacré une partie de leur vie à leur famille, se retrouvent seules et doivent apprendre à subvenir elles-mêmes à leurs besoins dans une société où l'on idéalise la jeunesse, le rendement et la réussite..."
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario: VHS.
University of Waterloo Audiovisual Services Catalog.
"Traditionally, women have not been well prepared to take charge of their lives, neither financially nor psychologically. In Canada, three out of every five poor adults are women. This film attempts to explain why."
Online Database National Film Board of Canada.
"Women have not been encouraged by society to take charge of their lives, either financially or psychologically. In Canada, three out of every five poor adults are women. This film attempts to explain why by singling out two women. One divorced, the other widowed, they found themselves in financial difficulty; neither was trained for wage-earning work. This documentary outlines some of the resources available. A counsellor at the Montréal Women's Referral and Information Centre emphasizes the need for long-range financial planning."