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A Great Day for Flying

Accession number: 
Alternate Titles: 
Une envolée magnifique
French version


Directors of Photography:


Production Years: 


Film Properties: 
Length (minutes): 
Holding Institutions: 

Library and Archives Canada: 16mm.
"A companion film to MR. BARNABY SLEEPS IN THE SKY (P-0172), the film's aim is to set potential passengers minds' at ease about other aspects of flying than pilot competence. Using a painting of J.A.D. McCurdy and the flight of the Silver Dart in February 1909 as a focus point, the narrator explains the job of the flight dispatch officer, the air traffic controller and the meteorology section of the Department of Transport. Detailed explanations of fuel consumption calculations are given, as well as all available methods of aerial navigation, including pilotage, dead reckoning, celestial reckoning (as methods of visual flying) and radio beam signals, Loran beacons, radio compass and radar landing systems (as methods of instrument flying)."


"Business in Motion: Films of Current Interest," Canadian Business 23, no. 7 (July 1950), 52.
"Show how scientific methods of flight planning, weather forecasting, and trained personnel combine to make flying a fast and dependable means of transportation. The film features especially how the up-to-the-minute weather reports are relayed to TCA pilots."

Service de ciné-photographie de la province de Québec, Films 16mm: édition 1956-57 (Quebec City: Service de ciné-photographie, 1956), 351.
"L'aviation a connu d'immenses progrès depuis la première envolée historique d'un appareil canadien en Nouvelle-Écosse il y a plus de quarante ans. Lorsqu'un aérobus prend son vol, tout a été prévu et vérifié pour que le voyage s'effectue sans encombre, avec le maximum de sécurité pour l'équipage et les passagers. -- Précautions employées pour favoriser le décollage et l'atterrissage. -- Points de repère qui guident le pilote, la nuit ou le jour, qu'il survole un continent ou un océan. -- Les instruments mis à sa disposition ; phares, radio-compas, radar, système Loran... -- Importance de la météorologie."