- 1954 (Canadian Film Awards)
- English
- Sound
"The 6th Annual Canadian Film Awards," Film News 14, no. 5 (1954): 15.
[Still shot from film showing a boy eating; caption reads:] "FOOD FOR FREDDY demonstrates the effect upon health of right and wrong foods. (Special Mention, Crawley, for the Nutritional Division, Dept. of National Health and Welfare). . ."
Online database (National Film Board of Canada).
"The kinds of food essential to the good health of school-age children are described in this film about Freddy Mason and his classmates. Freddy is a typically robust youngster, but some of his friends do not present the same picture of health and good spirits. To show the relationship between food and health, Freddy's teacher introduces a classroom demonstration in which white rats are fed the same foods as the children bring for their lunches. The film presents the basic requirements of a balanced diet as outlined in Canada's Food Rules. At home, Freddy discovers that his nutrition-wise mother has already put her family on the safe side of good eating."