Directors of Photography:
- 1954 (Canadian Film Awards)
- English
- 16mm
- Black and White
- Sound
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm, 35mm, VHS.
"A National Employment Service placement officer learns that in the man who is physically disabled he has as good a product to sell as in the one without a disability - that the properly placed so-called disabled worker is no more disabled vocationally than the ordinary worker. In support, the film shows many instances of exceptional job performance by disabled workers, illustrating that, from the employer's point of view, physical limitations are amply compensated for by greater efficiency, less absenteeism and a lower accident rate."
"Business in Motion: Films of Current Interest," Canadian Business 27 (March 1954): 100.
"Ed Miller has built for himself a reputation for finding good employees - among able-bodied men. One day, Ed, a National Employment Service placement officer, is asked to change his job and find work for physically handicapped persons. At first sceptical, Ed soon becomes convinced that the handicapped can fit well into a number of jobs when emphasis is placed on the faculties they have unimpaired rather than their deficiencies. Having appreciated these facts, Ed's next job is to convince employers of the same thing. The film shows many of the jobs that the physically handicapped can do; points up the fallacious arguments used by those who have never employed these workers. It remarks that each one of us is handicapped in some degree by his natural limitations, and asks: Why should a physical limitation stand in the way of a man's right to gainful employment?"
"The 6th Annual Canadian Film Awards," Film News 14, no. 5 (1954): 15.
"Non-Theatrical. EVERYBODY'S HANDICAPPED - commissioned to Graphic Associates, Toronto, by the NFB for the Federal Department of Labor - was given Honorable Mention 'for highly effective achievement of purpose in the field of rehabilitation placement.'"
"The 6th Annual Canadian Film Awards," Film News 14, no. 5 (1954): 15.
[Still shot from Everybody's Handicapped, showing a disabled man working; caption reads:] "EVERYBODY'S HANDICAPPED in some way but even the seriously disabled can be properly placed. (National Film Board, Honourable Mention."