Directors of Photography:
- English
- French
- 16mm
- Colour
- Sound
National Film Board of Canada
"An animated film for inclusion in programs of sex education for young people. The subject is venereal disease. The film was produced by young filmmakers. The approach is in the form of a cartoon reporting the findings of two students assigned to investigate venereal disease as part of a health studies classroom project. The facts they gather, and convey in this film, are what all young people should know."
"À la fois scientifique et populaire, ce film d'animation, tourné par des étudiants, fournit des connaissances élémentaires mais essentielles sur les maladies vénériennes et invite les jeunes à se renseigner sur ces maladies, à collaborer à la solution du problème vénérien et surtout à subir un examen médical s'ils craignent d'être atteints de ce mal."
Library and Archives Canada: 16mm
The Big Cartoon Online Database
"The subject is venereal disease. The approach is in the form of a cartoon reporting the findings of two students assigned to investigate venereal disease as part of a health studies classroom project. The facts that they gather, and that they convey in this film, are what all young people should know."