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"Au plus petit d'entre nous"
"Ex" Marks the Spot
"Most Lovely Country" : British Columbia
"Petroleum" Alberta's Newest Industry
"Vous santé vous bien" (dans votre peau?)
...dans l'temps du carnaval
100,000 chevaux sous le Saint-Laurent
100,000 Children
Les 104 mariages jocistes
1950 Grey Cup Final
The 1950 Stanley Cup
1960 Harmsworth Trophy
1960 Harnsworth : Picton, Canada
1963 Players' 200
1964 Players' 200
1965 the Year of the Double Win
1969 Can-Am Race
1971 Can-Am Race
1978 Blue Jays Highlights
1982 Canadian Curling Championship Skips
2 Points North
25e trophées Schenley
4-H Clubs of Alberta
8th World Jamboree 1955
A Better Way
A Better Way
A Canadian Mosaic
A Century of Canadian Medicine
A Century of Service
A Champion Is Born
A Chance... In Sight
A Change of Pace
A Cinematic View of Kinematics
A City Is Born
A Cruise for Sunday
A Crystal from the Sun
A Cut Above
A Day at Polymer
A Day at the Calgary Zoo
A Doctor with Care
A Double in Bluefins
A Family Affair
A Far Cry
A Feel for the Game
A Firm Hand
A Good Place to Live
A Happening In Education
A Hospital Is...
À l'écoute des griots
A Look Behind the Big B.A.
A Maritime Flavour
A Married Couple
A Matter of Attitudes
A Matter of Form
A Matter of Job Protection
A Message from African Healers
A Moveable Feast
A Nation in Touch
A Naturalist in the Arctic
A Necessary Precaution
A New Future Lies North
A New Spring in Copper
A New Supervisor Takes a Look at His Job
A New Way to Make Lead
A New Yorker's Canadian Week End
A Party on the Roof of the World
A Pesticide Primer
A Pictorial Review of Crippled Children
A Question of Balance
A River Creates an Industry : The Saguenay River Aluminum Production in Canada
A River of Earnings
A Salmon for Junior
A Sense of Humus
A Ship Is Born
A six ans, un magnétophone
A Step in the Right Direction
A Store Is Born
A Study of Spring Wild Flowers
A Talk with Irene
A Walk in the Forest
A World of Women : A Woman of Tokyo
A Year of Remembering : Manitoba 100
A. M. Klein : The Poet as Landscape
A... Is for Apple
The Abbey on Monte Cassino
Abitibi Canyon : A Story of a Conquest of a River
Aborted - Cross Country
Academic Cloister
Acadian Spring Song
Accidentally Yours [1950]
Accidentally Yours [1952]
Achievement - A Story of the Manufacture of Stainless and Specialty Alloy Steels
Achievement: the Story of a Store
Acid Rain : Requiem or Recovery
Ack Ack
Across Canada
Across Canada by CPR
Action on the Columbia
Activities and Equipment for Young Children
Ad Jesum Per Mariam
Adam, la pomme et Ève
Adieu, Monsieur le professeur
Adoption : Children Are Waiting
Advanced Rock Climbing
Adventure for Anglers
Adventure High Arctic
An Adventure in Automation
Adventure in Colour
Afraid of School : School Phobia
After the Harvest
The Age of Turmoil
Aggressive Child : A Pre-School Behaviour Problem
Ahoy Subway Cars
Les Ailes sur la Péninsule
Air Cadet Story
Air Cadets
Air Canada at Expo
Air Canada Silver Broom 1978
Air Canada Silver Broom 1980
Air Survey
Aircraft Noise Pollution
Al Neil - A Portrait
Alaska : Cruise Style!
Alaska and the Yukon
Alaska, the Last Frontier
Alberta Fishing Is Fun
Alberta Vacation
Alberta's Future Farmers
Alcohol in My Land
Ale and Artie
Algonquin Adventure
All About Emily
All Clear
All for Canada : A Story of TCA in the War
All Joking Astride
All of Our Lives
All the Guys Ever Want Is S.E.X. : Romance, Sex and Marriage
Allons-y tous ensemble
Along Pioneer Trails
Along the Cabot Trail
Along the Gaspé Road
Alouette - Canada's First Satellite
Alouette Football Highlights of 1962
Alouette Football Highlights of 1963
Alpine Bread
Alumina Jamaica
Aluminum in Architecture
Aluminum Makes the Grade
Aluminum Pipe Welding by Machine
Aluminum Rock Body Testing
Ambassador Extraordinary
Aménagement rural-ressources
American Success in Canadian Farming
Among Other Things
An Adventure in Taste
An Adventure into Chocolateland : A Harvest of Energy
An Afternoon in Old Quebec
An All-Season Marine Terminal
An Apple a Day
An Architect at Work
An Empire Link
An Open Bible
An Unexplained Injury
Analysis of Human Locomotion
Anastomosis of the Splenic Vein to Pulmonary Artery
Anatomy of Paper
Anatomy of the Bovine Flank
Ancient Roots of the Modern World
Ancient Roots of the Modern World : Philosophy of Aristotle
Ancient Roots of the Modern World : Plato's Republic
Ancient Roots of the Modern World : Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
And Sow Tomorrow
Angles on Angling
Animal Population and Activity
Animal Stories
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral
Animals in Armour
The Annanacks
The Annual Varsity Scrap
Another Choice
Another Magic Bullet
Anti-Marijuana Film
Anti-Social Personality Disorders : Compulsive Car Thief
Apple Land
Apple Tree Pruning
Applications thermiques du bâtiment
Appointment with Youth
Apprentissage et mouvement
Arbres et bêtes
Architecture : New Directions
Architecture in Canada : A Personal View by Barbara Lambert
Arctic Adventure
Arctic Goose Hunt
Arctic Interlude
Arctic Journey : A Photographic Record of His Excellency The Governor General’s Visit to the Canadian Arctic
Are You Safe at Home?
Are You Warm to the Touch?
Arkutik : A Baffin Adventure
Army Medical Corps
Arrêtez! C'est la loi
Art at the Technical School
Art instantanné
Artery for Oil
Arthritis and Allied Conditions
Articulatory Habits
Artificial Breeding of Cattle in Ontario
Artisanat familial
Artists of the Range
Arts of the New Canadians
As I Am
As Others See Us
Asbestos... A Matter of Time
Ashwin Hunt
Asphalt Production
Assermentation des membres du gouvernement Lesage
Assignment Safety
Astronomical Aspects
At Home Between the Tides
At the Sandpits
At Your Fingertips
Atelier de travail sur la gestion scolaire I
Atelier de travail sur la gestion scolaire II
Atlantic Container Line the Atlantic Revolution
Atlas Tool Steels
Atomic Energy in Canada
Attack – Offence
Attitude et mode d'intervention
Attitudes About Attitudes
Attracting Birds in Winter
Attribution of Motives
Au lac Waconichi
Au pays des Bassoutos
Au printemps
Au royaume du Saguenay
Au service des camionneurs
Au seuil de l'école
Au seuil de l'opératoire
Au seuil de l'opératoire
Au-delà des murs
Audiovision no 17
Aujourd'hui... pour demain
Auprès de ma blonde
Aurora on Target
Autumn in Alberta
Autumn Salmon
Autumn Trip Around l'Île d'Orléans
Avalanche : A Tribute to the Trackmen of CP Rail
Avalon Holiday
Avec ses besoins
Avec ses émotions
Avec ses perceptions
Avon in Canada
Avro Special Project Y
Aware Program Advertisements : Driving Test
Ayers High Grade Felts
Babel P.Q.
Back in '14
Back in '22
Back in '23
Back on Our Feet
Baie d'Hudson
Baked Goods
Baking Tea Biscuits
Ballet of the Mermaids
Banff : The Capital of the Alpine Playground of the Canadian Rockies
Banff and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies
Banff's Golf Challenge
Le Bar du Saint-Laurent
Barbados : As You Like It
Barbados West Indian Wonderland
Barrage sur la Bersimis
Bas de laine et papier-monnaie
Basic Body Mechanics
Basic Curling Strategy : Draw vs. Take-Out
Basic Horse Training
Basic Metallurgy and Material Specification : Welding Test and Inspection
Basic Radio Circuitry
Basic Rock Climbing
Bass in the Hand
The Battered Mug
Battling Blue Fins
Be Water Wise
Beans of Bounty
Bears and Man
La Béatification de Mère d'Youville
Beautiful Bonne Bay
Beautiful British Columbia
Beautiful Ocean Falls
Beauty to Live with
Beaver Dam
The Beaver People
Bedtime Story
Beef Steaks
Beekeeping : Preparation and Hiving
Beer at Its Best
Before Pregnancy
Behavior of the Barren-Ground Caribou
Behaviour in Crowds
Behind the Headlines
Behind the Label
Behind the Scenes : National Ballet School
Behind Your Clock
Bella Coola Indians of British Columbia
Below the Ramparts
Bénissez le Seigneur
Bernard Dadie : du conte au théâtre
Better Times Through Tea Times
La Betterave à sucre
Betwixt and Between
Beyond A Doubt : Revolution : Without A Doubt
Beyond Shelter : Ideas from Denmark on Housing for the Elderly
Beyond the Steel
Beyond the Sunset
Beyond the Sunset
Bickersteth : Hart House
Bienvenue a bord
Big City Paper
Big Crossing
Big Four Highlights of 1951
Big Four Highlights of 1953
Big Island
Big Knife : Daniel Harmon
Big Northern Pike
Big Six
Big White Escape
Bill's in Business Now
Biological Control
Biological Control of Insect Pests Series No. 1 - Parasites of the European Corn Borer
Bird Hazards to Aircraft
Birds of Canada No. 2
Birds that Eat Seeds
Birth of a Jet
Black Creek Pioneer Village
Blackfoot Indians of Alberta
Blanking and Piercing
Block to Slab to Sheet
Bluebloods from Canada
Bluefin Rodeo
Bluenose Ghosts
Bluenose Holiday
Bluenose Schooner
Bluenose Shore
Blueprint of a City
Boating and Good Sense
Bobby Orr Story
Boiler Operation : Fireside
Bois et forêts 71
Bon appétit
Bonanza at Great Bear
Bonjour monsieur Turgeon
Bons ou vénéneux?
Boogie Woogie Sioux
Borderline Cases
Boundary Migration in Plastic Crystals : Grain Growth in Transparent Materials
Box of Treasures
Boy's Clubs
Brampton Builds a Car
Break Through at Alcan
Breaking the Sand Barrier
Breaking the Solonetzic Barrier
Breaking Through
Breast Cancer
Breast Self-Examination
Breath of Life
Breath of Spring
Breezing Along
Brian Adams, C.L.U.
Briarcliff Food Center
Bridge Chat
Bright Boy... Bad Scholar : School Learning Problems
Bright Century
Bright Corridors
The Bright Path
Bristol Britannia
Britain's Future King
British Columbia Sports
British Success in Canadian Farming
Broken Doll
Building a Fine Paper Machine
Building a Modern Grain Elevator
Building Bird Houses
Building for the Future
Building to a Different Drummer
Bulwarks of Freedom
Bush First Aid
Business Barometer
But What Are We Doing?
By Guess and by God
By Map and Compass
By Quinte's Shores
By the Still Waters
By Their Own Strength
Byways of New France
C'est l'aviron qui nous mène
C'est simple quand on sait s'y prendre
C.I.L. Today : Progress Report
C.L.U. Canadian Life Underwriters
Ca s'passait d'même
Cabin Camps in Skyland
Cable to Treasure Island
Câbles sous-marins
Calgary Stampede
Calgary Stampede 1964
Calgary Stampede : Banff Indian Days
Call Me Dad
Call of the Kawarthas
Call to a Nation
Camp Banting
Campagne électorale du parti Libéral
Campus on the Move
Can Canada Compete?
Canada Art Collection
Canada at 8.30
Canada Cement
Canada Cup Trophy
Le Canada français est resté fidèle
Canada from East to West and Then Glimpses of Various Phases of Life
Canada Goose
Canada Moves North
Canada Produced
Canada Welcomes Kaye Don : Citizens of Toronto Give Great Ovation to Empire Hero
Canada's Capital on Skis
Canada's Carpet Craftsmen
Canada's Cradle of Curling
Canada's Diamond Jubilee
Canada's East Coast Playground
Canada's First Subway
Canada's Harvest of Fish
Canada's Last West
Canada's Metropolis
Canada's National Parks
Canada's New Farmland
Canada's Pathway to Plenty
Canada's Royal
Canada's Scots at Banff
Canada's Stargazers : From Louisbourg to Supernova
Canada's Tackle Busters
Canada's Waterways West
Canada's Work for Wounded Soldiers
Canada, The New Homeland
Canada, We Love You : Pontiac / Buick, Parts 1 and 2
Canadair Family Day
Canadian and American Super V
Canadian Caper
Canadian Crusade
Canadian Dental Association : Trailer
Canadian Firsts
Canadian Fisheries
Canadian Fruit
Canadian Gold
Canadian Grain
Canadian Grand Prix : The Mythmakers
Canadian Headlines of 1946
Canadian Headlines of 1947
Canadian Headlines of 1948
Canadian Headlines of 1949
Canadian Headlines of 1950
Canadian Headlines of 1951
Canadian Headlines of 1952
Canadian Highlanders Hold Mountain Meet
Canadian Identity
Canadian Landscape
Canadian Light Alloy Assault Bridge
Canadian Mountain Summer
Canadian National Pictorial
Canadian Pacific in the Air [Post-World War II Version]
Canadian Pacific in the Air [Wartime Versions]
Canadian Pattern
Canadian Pictorial News
Canadian Pipeline
Canadian Playground Lake Louise : The Crown Jewel of the Canadian Rockies - A Saphire Set In Snowpeaks
Canadian Power
Canadian Products : On Which the Sun Never Sets
Canadian Rockies Holiday
