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Stanley Brede

100,000 Children
A Champion Is Born
A Crystal from the Sun
A Hospital Is...
Alpine Bread
Ambassador Extraordinary
The Annanacks
At Your Fingertips
Bad Medicine
Beaver Dam
Brampton Builds a Car
Briarcliff Food Center
C.L.U. Canadian Life Underwriters
Canada Produced
Canadian Wheat
Carstairs, Tell the People
Charge from Down Under
Children's Emotions
Children's Emotions
Cotton Made in Canada
Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station : Design and Construction
The Face of Saskatchewan
Fight for Fame
The First Village of Importance
Floor Cleaning
Floor Finishing
From Sociable Six to Noisy Nine
General Office Cleaning
Generator 4
Go Find a Country
Growing Up Safely
He Acts His Age
Heredity and Pre-Natal Development
Holiday Island
Inter-Varsity on Campus
Jamaica Flavour
Jamaica Sings
La Traverse d'hiver à l'Île aux Coudres
Laboratory Dogs
Life and Breath
Light Is for People
Machines and Maintenance
Molecules for Burning and a Million Other Things
New Brunswick Summer
New Dimensions
New Mill... New Richmond
Newfoundland Scene : A Tale of Outport Adventure
The Office of Prime Minister
Par Breakers
Par Excellence
Photo Finish
Pipe Line Patrol
Power in Perpetuity
Pressure Golf
The Prevention of Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Principles of Development
Queen's University at Kingston
Red Carpet
Repeat Performance
Saint John : A Harbour Reborn
Saskatchewan Jubilee
Seal Hunt
Search Without End
Social Development
St. George's and the Dragons
St. John Ambulance in Canada
The Terrible Twos and the Trusting Threes
The Entertainers
The Face of an Addict
The Gap
The Gold Cup Comes Home
The Jet Age
The Lastex Story
The Mine in the Valley
The Perpetual Harvest
The Potato and Mrs. Kelly
The Quality of a Nation
The Story of the 44th Canadian Open Golf Championship
The Sun Don't Shine on the Damwe Dawg's Back All the Time
The Want of a Suitable Playhouse
The Wetlanders
The Winner's Touch
This Is My Invention
Twenty-Five Under Par
War Clubs of Mississauga
Washroom Care
Water on Tap
Waters of the Whiteshell
Why Nova Scotia
Winter Blunderland
You and the Aerospace Future
You Are the Bank