Sources and Databases Consulted:
- FIAF: Industrial Films, BRITISH INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC FILM ASSOCIATION, Advertising Films, Business and the Cinema, Sponsored Films, Sponsoring, Education and the Cinema, Education Use of Films in, EDUCATIONAL FILM LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Educational Films, Instructional Films, Health and Safety Films, Red Cross Bureau of Pictures, MEDICAL-WORLD-IN-FILMS.
- Prelinger, Rick. The Field Guide to Sponsored Films (San Francisco: National Film Preservation Foundation, 2006). [FG]
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) [ASP]: INDUSTRIAL cinematography, EDUCATIONAL films, SOCIAL guidance films, SCIENCE films, INSTRUCTIONAL films, INSTRUCTIONAL videos, MOTION pictures in education, AUDIO-visual education, MOTION pictures in higher education, MOTION pictures in military education, MOTION pictures in nursing education, MOTION pictures in religious education, MOTION pictures in sex instruction, MOTION pictures in teacher training, MOTION pictures in technical education, EDUCATION -- Audio-visual aids, VISUAL education, MEDICINE -- Study & teaching -- Audio-visual aids.
- Canadian Periodical Index: Educational Film Library Association, Educational Videos, Instructional Movies
- Cinémathèque québécoise, Médiathèque Guy-L.-Coté [CQ]: Industriels, films ; Commandités, films ; Éducatifs, films ; Santé et sécurité, films de
- Communication and Mass Media Complete [CMMC]: EDUCATIONAL films, MOTION pictures in education, AUDIO-visual education, EDUCATION -- Audio-visual aids.This database also indexes several articles from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s dealing with “motion pictures in education”.
Books and Articles:
- “Le sort du cinéma éducatif.” Cinéma Québec 4:9-10 (1976), p. 72-80. [FIAF]
Alexander, Geoff. “An academic perspective: the life and films of John Barnes.” Moving Image, 2:2 (Fall 2002), p. 41-72. [FIAF]
Baptista, Tiago. “"Il faut voir le maître": a recent restoration of surgical films by E.-L. Doyen (1859-1916).” Journal of Film Preservation nr 70 (November 2005), p. 42-50. [FIAF]
Bird, William L., Jr. “Better Living”: Advertising, Media, and the New Vocabulary of Business Leadership, 1935-1955 (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1999). [FG]
Bloom, Peter J. “Hygenic reform in the French colonial film archive.” Journal of Film Preservation nr 63 (October 2001), p. 17-24. [FIAF]
Bonneville, Léo. “Entretien avec Michel Moreau.” Séquences nr 97 (July 1979), p. 4-13. [FIAF]
Buchanan, Donald W. Documentary and educational films in Canada, 1935-1950 : a survey of problems and achievements (Ottawa: Institut canadien du film, 1952), 24 p. [CQ - PN 1993.5 C3B8]
Cunningham, Douglas. “Imaging/imagining air force identity: "Hap" Arnold, Warner Bros., and the formation of the USAAF First Motion Picture Unit.” The Moving Image, 5:1 (Spring 2005), p. 95-124. [FIAF]
Delmeulle, Frederic. “Le parent pauvre?: la pratique du documentaire chez Gaumont au début des années dix.” 1895 nr 30 (October 2000), p. 43-65. [FTLI]
Dijck, José van. “Door het oog van de chirurg. Medische films en televisieprogramma's.” Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis 3:1 (June 2000), p. 73-94. [FIAF]
Druick, Zoë. “Documenting government: re-examining the 1950s National Film Board films about citizenship.” Canadian Journal of Film Studies 9:1 (Spring 2000), p. 55-79. [FIAF]
Eberwein, Robert. Sex Ed : Film, Video, and the Framework of Desire (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1999). [FG]
Estivill, Josep. “La infancia en el cine políticamente instructivo de posguerra.” Archivos de la Filmoteca nr 38 (June 2001), p. 16-27. [FIAF]
Gaycken, Oliver. “'A Drama Unites Them in a Fight to the Death': some remarks on the flourishing of a cinema of scientific vernacularization in France, 1909–1914.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television 22:3 (August 2002), p. 353-374. [ASP]
Goldfarb, Brian. Visual Pedagogy: Media Cultures in and Beyond the Classroom. (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002).
Guilbert, Jean-Jacques. “An Interview of Charles Engel.” Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice 18:2 (July 2005), p. 290-297. [ASP]
Gutberlet, Marie-Helene; Ziegler, Holger. “"Re-educate Germany by Film!"” [German] Frauen & Film nr 61 (March 2000), p. 197-226. [FTLI]
Heller, Thomas. “Du militantisme patronal au militantisme entrepreneurial.” CinemAction Issue 110 (2004), p. 169-175. [FTLI]
Horne, Jennifer. “Nostalgia and non-fiction in Edison's 1917 Conquest Program.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 22:3 (August 2002), p. 315-331. [FIAF]
Hovet, Ted. “The Teacher as Exhibitor: Pedagogical Lessons from Early Film Exhibition.” Pedagogy 6:2 (Spring 2006), p. 327-335. [ASP]
Ionascu, Michel. “Le cinéma des cheminots ou l'introuvable parole ouvrière.” Cahiers de la Cinémathèque nr 71 (December 2000), p. 41-46. [FIAF]
Ionascu, Michel. “Les films des cheminots: une image de la classe ouvrière?” CinemAction nr 110 (2004), p. 180-185. [FTLI]
Lagny, Michèle. “Documentaire et commandite: conséquences pour le cinéma ouvrier.” Cahiers de la Cinémathèque nr 71 (December 2000), p. 35-40.
Landecker, Hannah. “Cellular Features: Microcinematography and Film Theory.” Critical Inquiry 31:4 (Summer 2005), p. 903-937. [ASP]
Landecker, Hannah. “Microcinematography and the History of Science and Film.” ISIS: Journal of the History of Science in Society 97:1 (March 2006), p. 121-132. [ASP]
Lefebvre, Thierry. La Chair et le celluloïd. Le cinéma chirurgical du Docteur Doyen (Bar-le-Duc : Jean Doyen éd., 2004).
Lefebvre, Thierry. “Les médecins et le natalisme: de quelques représentations cinématographiques sous-jacentes.” Cahiers de la Cinémathèque nr 70 (October 1999), p. 55-63. [FIAF]
Léon, Pierre. “Rohmer éducateur.” Cinéma - Revue Semestrielle d'Esthéthique et d'Histoire du Cinéma nr 9 (Spring 2005), p. 20-31. [FIAF]
Maisonneuve, Danielle. La production cinématographique des companies pétrolières au Québec, de 1960 à 1979. Master’s thesis, Université de Montréal, 1979.
Marchand, Roland. Creating the Corporate Soul: The Rise of Public Relations and Corporate Imagery in American Big Business (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1998). [FG]
Masson, Eef. “Of pits and vaults: the historiographic value of educational collections in Great Britain.” The Moving Image 2:1 (Spring 2002), p. 47-72. [FIAF]
Nowlin, Eric Guy. A survey of the development of the business and industrial film. Dissertation (Ph.D.), Northwestern University, 1976. [CQ] Consulté. Pas très intéressant.
Ostherr, Kirsten. “Contagion and the boundaries of the visible: the cinema of world health.” Camera Obscura 17:50 (2002), p. 1-39. [FIAF]
Perkins, D.J. “The American Archives of the Factual Film.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 10:1 (March 1990), p. 71-80. [FIAF, FTLI]
Perkins, D.J. “The sponsored film: a new dimension in American film research?” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 2:2 (1982), p. 133-140. [FIAF]
Pessis, Georges. “Les archives du film d'entreprises.” CinéAction nr 97 (October 2000), p. 99-105. [FIAF]
Prédal, René. “Le documentaire sous influence. Commander ou commanditer.” Contre Bande nr 11 (2004), p. 85-97. [FLTI]
Prelinger, Rick. Our Secret Century: Archival Films from the Darker Side of the American Dream. 10-vol. CD-ROM (New York: Voyager Co., 1995-1997). [FG]
Prelinger, Rick. The Field Guide to Sponsored Films (San Francisco: National Film Preservation Foundation, 2006).
Ross, Heiner. Lernen Sie dikutieren! Re-education durch Film: Strategien der westlichen Alliierten nach 1945. Babelsberg: Cinegraph, 2005. 177 pp.
Schaefer, Eric. “Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!”: A History of Exploitation Films, 1919-1959 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1999). [FG]
Serceau, Michel. “Les archives du cinéma pédagogique et scientifique.” CinémAction nr 97 (October 2000), p. 106-107. [FIAF]
Slide, Anthony. Before Video : An History of the Non-Theatrical Film (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992). [FG]
Smith, Ken. Mental Hygiene: Classroom Films, 1945-1970 (New York: Blast Books, 1999). [FG ; CQ LB 1044 S5]
Stamp, Shelley. “Toronto's 'girl workers'. The female body and industrial efficiency in Her own fault.” Cinémas 6:1 (Fall 1995), p. 81-99. [FIAF]
Taillibert, Christel. L'Institut international du cinématographe éducatif : regards sur le rôle du cinéma éducatif dans la politique internationale du fascisme italien (Paris : L’Harmattan, 1999).
Trudeau, Robert. Évolution de l’industrie cinématographique à Montréal (Montréal : École des Hautes Études commerciales, 1945).
Vignaux, Valérie. “Contribution à une histoire de l'emploi du cinéma dans l'enseignement de la chirurgie.” 1895 nr 44 (December 2004), p. 73-86. [FIAF]
Vignaux, Valérie. “Femmes et enfants ou le corps de la nation: l'éducation à l'hygiène dans le fonds de la Cinémathèque de la Ville de Paris.” 1895 nr 37 (July 2002), p. 22-43. [FIAF]
Vignaux, Valérie. “Les films de Jean Benoit-Lévy pour la cinémathèque du Ministère de l'agriculture (1924-1939).” Archives nr 98 (January 2006), p. 1-16. [FIAF]
Wiatr, Elizabeth. “Between word, image, and the machine: visual education and films of industrial process.” Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 22:3 (August 2002), p. 333-351. [FIAF, FTLI]